11. July 2022

Cooperation with SIEMENS

Cooperation with Siemens Finance & Leasing GmbH

We are very pleased to now be able to provide a financing offer for commercial customers in cooperation with Siemens Financial Services.

Any investment raises the question of financing. Together with Siemens Finance & Leasing (SFL), we can offer you an alternative to financing using your own funds or bank credits in the form of an attractive hire-purchase solution for our photovoltaic systems and e-charging stations in the Northwest Germany region.

Hire purchases with SFL protect your liquidity and increase your financial and thus ultimately your entrepreneurial room for manoeuvre. Finally, the purchase price for the capital goods need not be paid immediately or in one lump sum. The costs can be covered at least partially by the savings or income that the investment facilitates.

With an understanding of the leading technologies and independent from banks, Siemens Finance & Leasing GmbH has been operating on the market for 50 years. We are happy to prepare a tailor-made offer for you or to put you in direct contact with the financial experts from Siemens. You decide!

Sie wollen mehr erfahren?

Kontaktieren Sie unser Team und wir beraten Sie gerne über die Möglichkeiten und Konditionen.*

*Note: The final review of the enquiries is carried out by Siemens Finance & Leasing GmbH