7. October 2022

Hydrogen day in Rostrup

Photo: Anja Küllig, Ammerland district
Pictured (from left to right): Paul Bruns from the vehicle manufacturer FAUN, District Administrator Karin Harms, Olaf Schröder from Noordtec and EWE hydrogen expert André Engbrecht

On 6 October, the topic of hydrogen took centre stage on the Ammerland Vocational School grounds The event in Rostrup was one stop of the “Hydrogen in Mobility” roadshow that is being organised by the energy service provider EWE and the Ammerland district. The main focus of the lectures held there was on the possible applications of hydrogen in freight and private transports as well as in public forms of transport.

As part of the event, around 60 companies and interested participants were shown that strong infrastructure is needed for the production, transport and storage of hydrogen.

We were also represented by our employee Olaf Schröder, whose presentation made clear that infrastructure for hydrogen requires a lot of work.
“Due to the technical and logistical complexities, a precise needs assessment is required first of all during the preliminary project planning. To do this, detailed information about the hydrogen provision, redundancy and refuelling profile are required.
That’s why every project is custom designed,” explains Olaf Schröder.
“We have an exciting future ahead of us which we are perfectly positioned for thanks to our solutions, allowing us to serve our customers to suit their needs.”

In order to achieve the climate protection goals and become independent from fossil energy imports, it is essential to promote and further develop renewable energies. Hydrogen can be a key factor in achieving climate neutrality. The Ammerland district is also committed to achieving the climate protection goals.

“With a green hydrogen economy, we can make an important contribution to reducing CO2, while both protecting nature and at the same time strengthening the local economy. This above all is something we owe to future generations. We can’t put radically rethinking independent energy supplies and the path towards climate neutrality any longer,” District Administrator Karin Harms stresses in her statement.

Carmen Schön
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