26. July 2022

Installation of the LNG plant at TotalEnergies ‘Autohof Lippetal’

Strängenbach 1 in 59510 Lippetal – this is the address of the new LNG plant whose installation work began today at the TotalEnergies car depot. The starting signal for the assembly of the individual components was given at 7 o’clock in the morning.

Technical details:

  • Storage tank for LNG
    (Liquefied Natural Gas)
  • System technology – LNG cryogenic pump with “saturation on the fly”
  • Two dispensers
  • LIN cooling as boil-off gas management
    (LIN: Liquefied Nitrogen)
  • LCNG element consisting of an LCNG high-pressure pump with a flow rate of 900 Nm³/h, a high-pressure vaporiser with odorisation and 56 cylinders of storage
    (LCNG: Liquefied Compressed Natural Gas – compressed natural gas from LNG)
  • CNG dispenser developed by Noordtec in the largest expansion stage: 2 car and 2 lorry connections
    (CNG: Compressed Natural Gas)

Preparations have already been made for a second LNG pump and a third dispenser, so that a rapid expansion can take place if required and capacity utilisation is high.

At the station, it is possible to refuel cold LNG for Volvo, heated LNG for Scania and Iveco, as well as CNG for lorries and cars. The special feature of the station is that the cold LNG can be converted back into a gaseous state with the help of heat from the ambient air. This creates high pressure, which can be used for refuelling CNG vehicles.

A total of two LNG and four CNG refuelling points are available. It will be approximately four weeks before the facility officially goes into operation. From then on, there will be another station for natural gas vehicles at an important transport hub in Germany.

Carmen Schön
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